Page Thumbnails Pane

The Page Thumbnails Pane displays small bookmark images from the active PDF document open in AcroPlot Matrix. Both the Bookmarks and Page Thumbnail Panes make it easy to navigate between pages of an open document. To display the Page Thumbnails Pane go to the View Menu > Page Thumbnails.
Page Thumbnails Pane


Thumbnail List

1. Thumbnail List
The main area where the actual thumbnail images are listed. Clicking on a thumbnail will display the associated page in the main work area.

Zoom In/ Zoom Out

2. Zoom In/ Zoom Out
Clicking these controls make the thumbnail images larger or smaller.
Zoom Out example:


3. Print
Prints the active document.
See Printing in the File Menu section for additional information.


to Image

4. Export	
to Image
Exports pages in the active document to image files.
See Export as Image File in the File Menu section for additional information.