CAD Bookmark Settings

This section contains the bookmark text tags to use for *.dwg and *.dxf documents.
Hint: If you use both the drawing and layout bookmarks the layout bookmarks will be a sub-bookmark of the drawing bookmark and will look something like this:
Layout Name
CAD Bookmark Settings


Use a Bookmark for Each Drawing

When selected a drawing level bookmark will be created.

Drawing Level Field String Wizard

Launches the CAD Bookmarks Wizard which lists all of the available fields that you can use for the CAD drawing.

Drawing Level Field String Textbox

Edit the field string that will be replaced during printing to create the actual bookmark.  You can combine both fields and regular text in this section to create a complex bookmark.

Do Not Use Drawing Bookmarks When Printing

to Individual Files for Each Layout

When selected and when layouts are printed to individual files it will not add the drawing level bookmark.

Add a Bookmark for the Standard Drawing Properties

When selected it will add bookmarks for all of the standard AutoCAD drawing properties.

Use a Bookmark for Each Layout View or Layer

When selected a layout level bookmark will be created.

Layout Level Field String Wizard

Launches the AutoCAD Layouts Bookmarks Wizard which lists all of the available text tags that you can use for the AutoCAD drawing.  It will also allow you to select a sample drawing to easily view the available titleblock attributes that you can also use.

Layout Level Field String Textbox

Edit the field string that will be replaced during printing to create the actual bookmark.  You can combine both fields and regular text in this section to create a complex bookmark.

Attribute Block Names

This contains a comma separated string of the block names that AcroPlot should search for to try to extract the titleblock attributes from.  If you use common attribute names but you have a different titleblock for different paper sizes then you can list them all here
Example: Tileblock-ANSIA, Titleblock-ANSIB, Titleblock-ANSIC