CAD Misc. Settings

Additional plot controls for converting DWG and DXF files to PDF and DWF.
CAD Misc. Settings

OLE Quality

select the OLE Quality that may affect the conversion of object such as Word documents that were inserted into the drawing file.

Raster Quality

Select the level of plot quality for raster images contained in the file.

Paperspace Last

Either turn on, off, or use the saved settings for plotting the paperspace last used in the file.

Do Not Plot if Unresolved XRefs are Found

When selected, if a drawing has an unresolved XRef, then it will not be converted and an error will be logged.  Otherwise just a warning will be displayed.

Swap Margins

When selected this will switch the margin justification in order to bind the drawings into a book. 
Note: This only works with DWG files.