Naming Tab

Clicking the Auto Naming button across from the Select Output box also displays the Settings screen with the Naming tab active.
Naming Tab


Automatically Increment the PDF Filename

When this box is checked the output PDF filename will have a 3 digit number (like - 001) appended to the name.
Note: This feature is only available when saving to a single PDF file.

Custom Output Filename Options

By replacing the custom fields at runtime we should be able to automatically save your PDF files exactly where you want them.  You can mix and match regular text such as a different drive letter along with the custom fields defined below.
Example: Source Folder=C:\Projects\Current\C1000   File=Drawing1.dwg   Layout=Layout1  Saved Setting=Monochrome

Output Folder Settings

Save in the drawing folder
Saves the drawing in the same folder as the file being converted.
Save in a \PDF subfolder
Saves the file in a subfolder of where the drawing is located called \PDF. If the folder does not exist, it will be created.
Save in the last folder
Saves the file in the folder that the last file converted was saved to.
Save in a subfolder name after the Saved Settings name
If the Saved Settings box is populated AcroPlot will save the file to a folder with the same name. If the folder does not exist, AcroPlot will prompt the user to approve the automatic creation of that folder.
Save in custom subfolder
Setup a custom folder location to save the files in.
Note: The actual filename is set by checking the "Automatically increment the PDF filename" check box or using the Filenames dialog box to the right.
Supported Text Tags - Based on the folder name of the file.
 ||DRIVE|| = The drive letter (Ex. C:)
 ||DIR|| = The full folder structure (Ex. \Projects\Current\C1000)
 ||DIRMINUS1|| = All but the last folder (Ex. \Projects\Current)
 ||DIRMINUS2|| = All but the last 2 directories (Ex. \Projects)
 ||DIR1|| = The last folder (Ex. C1000)
 ||DIR2|| = The second to last folder (Ex. Current)
 ||DATE|| = The current date YYYY-MM-DD (Ex. 2011-08-20)
 ||DAY|| = The current day as 2 numbers (Ex. 02 for the 2nd day of the
 ||DAY1|| = The current day as 1 number (Ex. 2 for the 2nd day of the
 ||MONTH|| = The current month as 2 numbers (Ex. 01 for January)
 ||MONTH1|| = The current month as 1 number (Ex. 1 for January)
 ||MONTHSHORT|| = The current month as short text (Ex. Jan)
 ||MONTHLONG|| = The current month as text (Ex. January)
 ||YEAR|| = The current year as 4 numbers (Ex. 2011)
 ||YEAR1|| = The current year as 2 numbers (Ex. 11)
 ||SETTINGNAME|| = The saved setting name that you choose to use.
 Some Common Examples:
 To save it in the same folder on the same drive
 ||DRIVE||\||DIR|| = (Ex. C:\Projects\Current\C1000)
 To save it in the same folder but on the D: drive
 D:\||DIR|| = (Ex. D:\Projects\Current\C1000)
 To save it in a PDF subfolder

Filename Settings

Use standard filenames
  • For Output setting "One PDF per layout", the files will be auto-numbered  regardless of the Auto increment setting above.
  • For Output settings "One PDF per layout" and "Single PDF containing all files" the filename will be the original drawing name appended with .pdf.
Use custom filenames
Selecting this will use the text tag settings input in the boxes above.
 Supported Text Tags for "Single PDF containing all"
 ||DRIVE|| = The drive letter (Ex. C:)
 ||DIR|| = The full folder structure (Ex. \Projects\Current\C1000)
 ||DIRMINUS1|| = All but the last folder (Ex. \Projects\Current)
 ||DIRMINUS2|| = All but the last 2 directories (Ex. \Projects)
 ||DIR1|| = The last folder (Ex. C1000)
 ||DIR2|| = The second to last folder (Ex. Current)
 ||DATE|| = The current date YYYY-MM-DD (Ex. 2003-08-20)
 ||DAY|| = The current day as 2 numbers (Ex. 02 for the 2nd day of the
 ||DAY1|| = The current day as 1 number (Ex. 2 for the 2nd day of the
 ||MONTH|| = The current month as 2 numbers (Ex. 01 for January)
 ||MONTH1|| = The current month as 1 number (Ex. 1 for January)
 ||MONTHSHORT|| = The current month as short text (Ex. Jan)
 ||MONTHLONG|| = The current month as text (Ex. January)
 ||YEAR|| = The current year as 4 numbers (Ex. 2011)
 ||YEAR1|| = The current year as 2 numbers (Ex. 11)
 ||SETTINGNAME|| = The saved setting name that you choose to use.
 Supported Text Tags for "One PDF per File"
 All Tags above plus
 ||FILENAME|| = The filename minus the extension of the file we are
 Supported Text Tags for "One PDF per Layout"
 All Tags above plus
 ||LAYOUTNAME|| = The layout name that we are converting.
 ||ATTRIBUTENAME(Just an example)|| - All titleblock attributes can also
 be used and the order of titleblocks that it searches for is defined by the
 Titleblock names which can be a semicolon separated list to define
 multiple blocks.