Administrator Notes

With all the power and flexibility of AcroPlot and AcroPlot Jr. it can be quite complex to get everything setup properly to work for your organization.  But the benefit is that we have included just about every feature you could ask for into AcroPlot.  The Settings for AcroPlot are mainly stored in a series of files under the users App \Settings subfolder.  This should allow you to easily create a settings file that you can share between your various users.

Notes on AcroPlot Settings Files.

The \Settings folder stores all of the settings used by the AcroPlot and AcroPlot Junior.
In Windows Vista and Windows 7 this would typically be:  C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\CADzation\AcroPlot
In Windows XP(SP3) this would typically be: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\CADzation\AcroPlot
The files that should be located in this folder are:
AcroPlotUserDefaults.ini - This file stores the settings that were last used.  This file is only used if no settings are found.  The actual last settings are stored in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER portion of the registry but this file allows system administrator to setup the initial defaults for new users.
AcroPlotPaperSizes.ini - This file stores the margins and sizes for the various papersizes.
AcroPlotSettings.ini - This file stores the named setting that you can save.
AcroPlotWatermarks.ini - This file stores the last 10 watermark values.
You can make the files read-only file to prevent the users from tampering with them.  When the files are read-only the appropriate options on the user interfaces will be disabled.
You can also locate the files in a common network location and then add the path to the following registry keys for each of your users.  When you do this you will have to add a registry key into the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE portion of the registry for each computer that has AcroPlot installed.  Below is the information that you should need.
Section (32 Bit Operating Systems) = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CADzation\AcroPlot\
Section (64 Bit Operating Systems) = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\CADzation\AcroPlot\
Keyname = SettingsPath
KeyType = String
Example Key Value = L:\CommonSettings\AcroPlot or C:\Users\AllUsers\CADzation\AcroPlot

Hiding Menu Items and Controls

The 2013-01-07 build of AcroPlot and AcroPlot Matrix allows the ability to hide some of the menu items and controls on the form by adding values to the registry either under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or the HKEY_CURRENT_USER.  Simply add a string value with a 4 digit number and set the string value to be the caption of the menu item that you would like to hide.
0001 = "Check for Updates"
0002 = "Register Software"
0003 = "CADzation's Website"
0004 = "Purchase"
0001 = "Check for Updates"
0002 = "Register Software"
0003 = "CADzation's Website"
0004 = "Purchase"

Notes on 25 and more user Authorization Codes

If you have purchased a license for 25 or more users we will supply you with a common Authorization Code that you can also push across to all users.  Our sales will also provide you with the latest instructions on where the code should be pushed out to.
With a common license for 25 or more users you will able to provide you with a way to do some basic customization using Visual LISP and your menus to provide single click output without being prompted for the filename.  The nice thing about this is that if you have existing LISP routines or menus for plotting to say plt files we can probably easily replace them with our routines to create PDF files and your users won't even know the difference.  For some examples please contact us with your specific requirements at