Reducing The PDF File SizeCreating PDF files from AutoCAD can be done in many ways. But creating PDF's with the smallest file size and with the highest quality viewing and printing capability is only possible when using True Type Fonts (TTF). This due to the fact that the PDF file has the ability to compress the all the TTF text in the drawing.
When comparing the PDF file sizes of three identical AutoCAD drawings that only differ in the type of font used, the difference in file size is quite surprising. To download the AutoCAD file used to for the following results click on the following link. AcroPlot-TTF-Sample.dwg.
Below are the PDF file sizes based on font:
Properly using True Type Fonts in AutoCAD when creating PDF flies with CADzation software will result in PDF files that are a much as 12 times smaller in file size.
The other added benefits are PDF's that will view and print faster due to the reduced file size. The text in the PDF's will also print sharper at any reduction or enlargement because it is a real font and not a graphic element.