Text and PDF Document Settings

This section contains the bookmark fields to use for *.txt, *.rtf, *.doc, and *.pdf documents.
Text and PDF Document Settings


Add Bookmarks to the PDF Document

When selected the bookmarks will be added to the PDF when it is created.

Use a maximum string length of:

When selected long bookmarks will be truncated to the set length entered in the characters box.

Show Bookmarks when PDF Opens

When selected the bookmarks column will display when the PDF file is opened.

Field String Wizard

Launches the Document Bookmarks Wizard which lists all of the available fields that you can use for the text and PDF documents.

Field String Textbox

Edit the field string that will be replaced during printing to create the actual bookmark.  You can combine both fields and regular text in this section to create a complex bookmark.

Use the Existing Bookmarks in the PDF Files

When selected it will keep the existing bookmarks when merging an existing PDF file.