
Advanced Select Dialog

This section describes the controls used to perform advanced selection of drawings and layouts.  The drawings or layouts are based on a wildcard matching that is case insensitive.  This means that the string ''lay'' will select any drawing or layout that contains ''lay'' in any part of it's name.  This also means that Layout1, layout2, and overlay would all be selected but Electrical would not be selected.

Drawings Section

This section allows the user to select either all of the drawings or to select only the drawings that match the specified string.
Select All Drawings Option
When selected all layouts in all of the drawings could be selected.
Select Only Drawings Matching Option
When selected only the layouts from those drawings that match the string could be selected.
Drawings Wildcard String Textbox
Allows the user to enter in a string or list of strings separated by a comma that the drawing name must match in order for the layouts in the drawing to be selected.
Delete Drawings Wildcard String Button
When selected the current text string will be deleted from the list stored in the Windows Registry.

Layouts Section

This section allows the user to select either all of the layouts or to select only the layouts that match the specified string.
Select All Layouts Option
When selected all layouts will be selected.
Select Only Layouts Matching Option
When selected only the layouts that match the string will be selected.
Layouts Wildcard String Textbox
Allows the user to enter in a string or list of strings separated by a comma that the layout name must match.
Delete Layouts Wildcard String Button
When selected the current text string will be deleted from the list stored in the Windows Registry.