
Watermark Options

This section creates the ability to easily add either a text watermark or image file to the document as a stamp.
Watermark Options


Add a watermark to each page

When selected a watermark or stamp will be placed on each page.

Place the watermark on top

When selected a watermark or stamp will be placed on each page.

Font Type

Select the type of the font to use for the watermark.

Font Size

Select the size of the font to use for the watermark.

Font Color

Select the color of the font to use for the watermark.

Watermark Text Field

Insert a combination of text and fields to use as the watermark.  It will also list the last 25 watermarks used.

Watermark Image File

Browse to a BMP or GIF file to be used as the watermark or stamp.

Delete Watermark From List History

Delete the watermark from the history dropdown list.

Watermark Dynamic Text Wizard

Assists in generating dynamic watermarks using system variables.

Horizontal Position

Select the horizontal location where the watermark or stamp will be placed on the document.

Horizontal X Distance

X:(in) - Specify a distance for the horizontal location of the start of the watermark text.  A positive number will locate the left edge of the text from the left side of the paper.  A negative number will locate the right edge of the text from the right side of the paper.

Vertical Position

Select the vertical location where the watermark or stamp will be placed on the document.

Vertical Y Distance

Y:(in) - Specify a distance for the vertical location of the start of the watermark text.  A positive number will locate the bottom edge of the text from the bottom of the paper.  A negative number will locate the top edge of the text from the top of the paper

Watermark or Stamp Placement Angle

Specify the angle 0 to 360 degrees for the watermark text or image.