
Edit Styles Menu

AcroPlot Matrix keeps a library of preset styles for drawing objects and fonts. This allows you to quickly add comments with pre-formatted properties and settings.
For Drawing Styles: color, line style, line thickness and the shape at the end of an arrow type line.
For Font Styles: font, color, size, bold, italicized, and justification.
Click either the Font Style list or the Drawing Style list on the Markup toolbar, make a selection and the associated objects will all use the preset properties.
Properties can always be changed using the Properties toolbar before or after input.
Edit Styles Menu
This is where Drawing Styles can be edited or created.
To create a new Drawing Style:
  • Click the Add button
  • Type in a descriptive name for the style
  • Set the line color
  • Choose a line type
  • Choose a line thickness
  • Select the shape that occurs at the end of the line
  • Place the style anywhere in the list by using the Move Up or Move Down buttons
  • Click the Save button
The new Drawing Style can now be selected from the Drawing Styles dropdown list.
This is where Font Styles can be edited or created.
To create a new Font Style:
  • Click the Add button
  • Type in a descriptive name for the style
  • Select a font
  • Choose a font size
  • Set optional properties for bold, italicized, underlined, or cross-out
  • Select the default text justification
  • Place the new style anywhere in the list by using the Move Up or Move Down buttons
  • Click the Save button
The new Font Style can now be selected from the Font Styles dropdown list.
You can make "Global Styles" available to users on a network or multiple users on the same machine.
Global Styles are available for all users on a machine and are always listed first.  You would need Admin rights to edit these styles.  Typically saved under Settings\Global folder in the Application directory.
You can make "Global Styles" available to users on a network or multiple users on the same machine.
Global Styles are available for all users on a machine and are always listed first.  You would need Admin rights to edit these styles.  Typically saved under Settings\Global folder in the Application directory.
Use this function to restore the User Styles to the initial install defaults.