Panes are the tabbed windows usually found docked along the left side of main client area. During the course of normal workflow the Bookmarks and Pages panes are usually visible. There are four other panes that may also be displayed: Layers, Comments, Fields, and Attachments.

Any of the panes can be added to this group by selecting the View menu > Other Panes. The Bookmark and Page Thumbnails panes are listed on the main View menu as these are the most commonly used panes.
The panes group, or individual panes, can be docked to any side of the main client area. Panes can also float anywhere on the screen.
How to dock the group of panes to the right side of the screen:
Click and drag the group by the title bar.
A blue square will appear.
Keep dragging to the right until the blue square snaps to the edge of the screen.
This also works for the top and bottom of the screen.
Release the mouse button anywhere on the screen to float the group.
When you are happy with the placement release the mouse button to dock or float the group of panes.
To dock or float a single pane, follow the instructions above except grab the pane by the tab at the bottom instead of the header.
Panes can also be stacked so that both panes are visible at the same time. Drag the pane by the lower tab to either the top or bottom part of the group area.