Where Do I find the log files for the programs to aid in debugging?
In the later versions of our software we create a debug log file for each program in an AcroPlotLogs folder in the users Temporary directory. The easiest way to access the folder is to open up your Windows Explorer and then in the top address bar type %TEMP%\AcroPlotLogs and then hit the Enter button. This should take you to the correct folder so you can attach the log file
based on the program name to your Helpdesk ticket.

Where do I find the settings files for the programs to aid
in debugging?
In the later versions of our software we save the settings
files for each program in the C:\Users\[YOURNAME]\AppData\Roaming\CADzation
folder. The easiest way to access the folder is to open up your Windows Explorer and then in the top address bar type %APPDATA%\CADzation and then hit the Enter button. This should take you to the correct folder so you can
zip up or attach the files for the program that you are having a
problem with.