Controls how 3D views and objects are displayed and rendered.
This option is only enabled when AcroPlot Pro is installed on a computer that also has a full version of AutoCAD 2000 or later. AutoCAD LT is not included.
 Hide Plot
Select the options for hiding objects.
This works similar to the AutoCAD hide objects setting except that there is an additional setting to only use the hide objects when plotting the modelspace views. This allows lineweights to still be plotted in the paperspace layouts.
 Dispsilh Settings
Either turn on, off, or use the saved settings for displaying the silhouette lines on curved surfaces in AutoCAD.
 Facetres Settings
Set a value between 0.01 and 10.0 to control the number of silhouette lines shown on each curved surface.
To use the saved value set this equal to -1.