Direct Converter Tab

Direct Converter Tab


AutoCAD Support Paths

AcroPlot locates and lists the paths where the shx fonts and linetypes reside for the built-in viewer control to use.

Additional Support Paths

This area is used to list additional paths to shx fonts and linetype files for the built-in viewer control to use.
Use the Browse button to locate these files.
 Note: On the AutoCAD Tab you can specify the folder from which to use the ctb files for setting the
lineweights in the viewer control or you can let AcroPlot use the default folder if you have
AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT installed.

Browse for Folder Button

Click this button to open the Browse for Folder dialog box, then browse to the location of the additional support files to add to the list.

Remove Folder Buttton

Click this button to remove the selected path from the list.

Default lineweight width listbox

Select the default lineweight width from this dropdown list.  This is equivalent to the LWDEFAULT system variable in most CAD systems.