Layouts, Views, Layers Tab
Note: All lists support basic wildcard matching like "Plot" or "Layout".
 Plotting From PaperSpace Options
Sets the PaperSpace Layouts to list to either:
Never display these layouts
Only display these layouts
Then you can add the various names that you do not want to display or to only display when we get the information for the DWG or DXF file.
 Plotting From Named Views Options
Sets the views to list for DWG files to either:
Never display these views
Only display these views
Then you can add the various names that you do not want to display or to only display when we get the information for the DWG or DXF file.
 Always plot empty layouts.
When selected if the layout only contains a single viewport it will still be plotted.
Otherwise we consider these layouts to be invalid because AutoCAD will
automatically add a layout to older drawings when it opens them in AutoCAD.
If the layout contains two viewports or any other AutoCAD object
(line, text, block reference) then we will consider it valid regardless of this setting.
If no valid layouts are found in the drawing then we will automatically convert
the modelspace instead. This is very useful for AutoCAD 13 and older
drawings that didn't have paperspace layouts but may have been opened
in AutoCAD and resaved to a newer version.
Also the Always Display or Never Display settings in the Plottting From
PaperSpace Options override this setting. So if you tell us to Always Display
the Layout1 then we will even if we think it is invalid.
 Never Plot These Layers
Create a list of layers to never plot in the DWG or DXF file.
 Always Plot These Layers
Create a list of layers to always plot even if they are turned off in the DWG or DXF file.