Saved Settings, Print From, Zip & Email

This section will cover:
  • How to save and recall the settings from the Files, Options, and Bookmarks Tabs.
  • How to filter which layouts, views, and/or layers are displayed in the Layout Selection Tree Control for selection and conversion.
  • How to quickly generate an email immediately after a conversion process with the resulting output file(s) as attachments.
Saved Settings, Print From, Zip & Email


Saved Settings

This section saves and recalls the settings from the Files, Options, and Bookmarks Tabs.
Settings saved here are stored by the AcroPlot Pro program and can only be recalled from this installation. This differs from the File Menu > "Save Plot Set As ... " command which saves the settings to a file type of .ppf. See Save Plot Set As for more information on .ppf file types.
The saved settings are stored in the AcroPlotSettings.ini file located in the following location:

Save Setting

After adjusting the settings for this project, the precise current settings may be saved recalling later. Type a descriptive name in  the dropdown box and click this Save button.

Delete Setting

Deletes the currently selected setting name (and settings) in the "Saved Settings" dropdown list box.

Print From ... (For AutoCAD Drawings

This section is used to select which layouts, views, and/or layers are displayed in the Layout Selection Tree Control for selection and conversion.
PaperSpace Layouts
When checked all of the paperspace layouts will be listed.
Last Active (Model or Paperspace)
When selected the last active editing space of the DWG file will only be listed.
ModelSpace 3D Standard Views
When checked all of the standard modelspace views will be listed. Front, Back, Top, Left, Right, NEIso, NWIso, SEIso, and SWIso.
When checked the modelspace will be listed, and you will plot the last saved view in modelspace.
ModelSpace Named Views
When checked all of the named views will be listed.
ModelSpace 3D SWIso View
When checked the SWISO modelspace view will be listed.

Refresh Files

This button must be selected to update the Layout Selection Tree Control after modifying checkbox selections in the "Print From" area.

Zip and Email Results

This section is used to quickly generate an email immediately after a conversion process with the resulting output file(s) as attachments.

Email the Files

When selected, immediately following the conversion process, the computer's default email application will be invoked to create a new email message with the output file(s) automatically inserted as an attachment.

Zip As:

When selected, immediately following the conversion process, the computer's default email application will be invoked to create a new email message with the output file(s) automatically inserted as a single ZIP file attachment. The ZIP file name can be defined prior to the conversion in the ZIP file name field adjacent to the ''ZIP As" checkbox.