
Select Menu

This menu pertains to the selection of files in the file list tree populated by initially selecting the Source Folder. A "Selection" consists of clicking on a file name in  the tree so that the line item is highlighted. You may select multiple files by holding down the <CTRL> key while selecting.
Note: The checkmarks are NOT the "selections" used for these commands. The checkmarks are for selecting files for the conversion process.
Buttons from the File List Toolbar at the bottom of the page are displayed here with their matching commands in this menu.
Select Menu


Preview Current

Opens the currently selected file in the AcroPlot Preview Window.

Open Current in External Program

Opens the currently selected file in the default program associated for that file type (Similar to double clicking on a file in Explore).

Get Current File Information

Gets available information from the selected file to add to or update the various columns in the file list tree.

Add File(s) to List

Launches the file browser to locate and add files from other folders to the list.

Add Titlepage to List

Launches the file browser to locate and add an additional file from another folder to the top of the list. This is useful for drawings that are actually Title Pages. This command is unique from the Add Files command as it remembers the folder location for this file and will return to the same folder when this command is used again.

Remove Item(s) From List

Deletes the selected file(s).

Move Up / Move Down

Moves the selected item up or down in the file list.

Expand or Collapse Current Selection

Expands or Collapses the parent/child group of the selected item. This is the same as clicking on the '+' to expand or the '-' to collapse.

Check/Clear Current Selection

Checks or Clears ALL items in the file list.

Expand/Collapse All

Expands (shows) or Collapses (hides) all child nodes in the file list.

Get Information All

Gets available information from ALL of the files at once to add to or update the various columns in the file list tree.

Advanced Select

Opens the Advanced Search and Select dialog for selecting multiple drawings or layouts based on matching string names.
If you consistently need to only plot certain layouts, views, or layers then you
can also setup the Options under the View/Layer Tab in the Setup to only
show or exclude specific names.
Wildcard matching is case insensitive and multiple wildcard strings can be
used by separating them with a comma(,).
Wildcard matching examples assuming we have layouts named Layout1,
Layout2, and Layout3
Search String
Layouts That Would Be Selected
Layout1, Layout2, and Layout3
Layout1 and Layout2

Edit Bookmarks

Launches the dialog box to edit the calculated bookmarks before converting to PDF.
This dialog is really meant to be used when all of the layout information has been shown for all drawings.  If you see ALL_LAYOUTS in the list then you might want to either click on the + sign next to the drawings you want to edit before opening this or uncheck the "Do not get drawing information" checkbox and reselect the folder.
It's possible to type directly into the Current Bookmark field here or in the Bookmark field in the file list itself to edit or add a bookmark.