
Text Strings and Fields

The ''Bookmarks'' tab allows you to setup the field strings that are going to be used by AcroPlot to extract the data from the drawing to use as the bookmark text.  With the field strings, you can combine both static text and fields that are going to be replaced during runtime.  This way you can easily create bookmarks that actually mean something to your customers.
The values are defined as the field name that is going to be replaced surrounded by two vertical lines || (shift plus the \ key right above the Enter key on your keyboard).
Example Field:  This bookmark is for file: ||FILENAME||
Actual Bookmark: This bookmark is for file: Drawing1
Bookmarks basically allow the user to easily navigate to a specific drawings and layouts in the PDF file.  In the case of AutoCAD drawings, there are typically two types of bookmarks.  The first would be the drawing level bookmark, which would then have child bookmarks for the layout levels.  So, each drawing would only have one drawing level bookmark and may also have multiple layout level bookmarks.  If you are just printing a single layout or just a single view from the modelspace, then you may want to only use one of the other levels of bookmarks.
We suggest that you use the wizard buttons on the bookmarks tab to help you define the settings.
The bookmark information is saved in a file called acroplot_lastplot.ppf in the folder where the drawings are located.  If the user manually enters the bookmark information, then they do not have to reenter this information the next time that they run the AcroPlot program.
Below is a table that shows a typical bookmark structure for a couple sample drawings that have 3 layouts in each file.
Drawing Level On
Layout Level Off
Drawing Level On
Layout Level On
Drawing Level Off
Layout Level Off